1. Let X(1..n) and Y(1..n) contain two lists of n integers, each sorted in nondecreasing order. Give the best (worst-case complexity) algorithm that you can think for finding

(a) the largest integer of all 2n combined elements.

(b) the second largest integer of all 2n combined elements.

(c) the median (or the nth smallest integer) of all 2n combined elements.

For instance, X = (4, 7, 8, 9, 12) and Y = (1, 2, 5, 9, 10), then median = 7, the nth

smallest, in the combined list (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 12). [Hint: use the concept

similar to binary search]



Instance: A finite set of positive integers Z = { z1 , z2 , … , zn }.

Question: Is there a subset Z’ of Z such that

Sum of all numbers in Z’ = 2 x Sum of all numbers in Z-Z’

(a) Obtain the dynamic programming functional equation to solve the 1-to-2 PARTITION problem.

(b) Give an algorithm to implement your functional equation.

(c) Give an example of 5 numbers with a total of 21 as an input instance for 1-to-2

PARTITION problem, and show how your algorithm works on this input instance.

(d) What is the complexity of your algorithm?

  1. Decide True or False for each of the followings. You MUST briefly justify your



Instance: Set U of variables, collection C of clauses over U.

Question: Is there a satisfying truth assignment for C?

(a) If P NP, then no problem in NP can be solved in polynomial time deterministically.

(b) If a decision problem A is NP-complete, proving that A is reducible to B, in

polynomial time, is sufficient to show that B is NP-complete.

(c) It is known that SAT (Satisfiability) is NP-complete, and 3SAT (all clauses have size

3) is NP-complete. 1SAT (all clauses have size 1) is also NP-complete.2

  1. Given that PARTITION problem (described below) is a NP-Complete problem, prove

that the SUM OF SUBSETS problem (described below) is NP-Complete by reducing

PARTITION problem to it.


Instance: A finite set of positive integers Z = { z1 , z2 , … , zn }.

Question: Is there a subset Z’ of Z such that

Sum of all numbers in Z’ = Sum of all numbers in Z-Z’


Instance: A finite set of positive integers A = { a1, a2, … , am } and M.

Question: Is there a subset A’ in A s.t. ai = M?

ai in A’

(a) Give a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm for the SUM OF SUBSETS


(b) Define the transformation from the PARTITION problem to the SUM OF SUBSETS


(c) Explain that the transformation described in part (b) satisfies: if the partition problem

has a solution then the sum-of-subsets has a solution, and vice versa.

  1. Prove that the 0/1 KNAPSACK problem is NP-Hard. (One way to prove this is to

prove the decision version of 0/1 KNAPSACK problem is NP-Complete. In this problem,

we use PARTITION problem as the source problem.)

(a) Give the decision version of the O/1 KNAPSACK problem, and name it as DK.

(b) Show that DK is NP-complete (by reducing PARTITION problem to DK).

(c) Explain why showing DK, the decision version of the O/1 KNAPSACK problem, is

NP-Complete is good enough to show that the O/1 KNAPSACK problem is NP -hard.

  1. Optimization PS(3) Problem: Given a set of n program and three storage devices.

Let si be the amount of storage needed to store the ith program. Let L be the storage

capacity of each disk. Determine the maximum number of these n programs that can be

stores on the three disks (without splitting a program over the disks).

Use the Approximation PS Algorithm given in the class for the PS(3) problem given

above. Show that the following is true.

Let the approximation PS algorithm returns a number C, and let C* be the optimal

(maximum) number of programs that can be stores on the three disks.

(a) Show that the above approximation PS algorithm gives the performance ratio of

C* (C + 2) OR C* / C 1 + 2/C.

(b) Give an example that achieves the performance ratio of C* =


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