The goal for this assignment is have you reflect on what you have learned thus far in this course and to connect this learning to your everyday life, so that you can better appreciate the practical value of scientific psychology.

Write a brief essay addressing the following issues. First, which topic covered in the course did you find most interesting?

Describe the topic area in a few sentences and explain why you found this topic intriguing. Second, identify an insight, research finding, or theory from class that you have applied to your everyday life.

Describe the specific insight, finding, or theory. Provide a concrete example of how you have applied this information in your life. Third, reflect on the research findings that you have learned about in class and select one that you found especially surprising.

Describe this finding and explain why it surprised you.

Your paper should be submitted with double-spacing, margins no wider than 1.25 inches, and a font size no larger than 12-point. The expected length of the paper is around 5 pages. Remember to put your name in the upper right corner.


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