Make a trip to a chain grocery, drug, or general merchandise store. After selecting a product category (e.g., cereal, pain relievers, storage containers), find that section in the store and review the products offered.
How are they alike and different? What efforts can you identify that appear to be manufacturer-generated? How about retailer-generated? For those that are retailer-generated, what role do you think the manufacturer played in the retailer’s actions? What attracts you to certain products and why?
Choose one brand you like, one you do not like, and one you have no strong feelings for one way or the other. Identify your perceptions of each brand. Next try to determine where those perceptions came from.
Finally, how do they influence your thinking about purchasing (from) the brand? Assuming you are the target market (provide a one-sentence overview of yourself as such) explain what you think about the company’s choices in its marketing efforts on behalf of the brand. Provide a commentary on your store visit.
To complete this assignment, review the Blog Discussion Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.