Now you should have prepared the video recording equipment, which you’ll use for your Ethnography Research Project, and familiarized yourself with its operation. You also coordinated with your Participant(s) the date, time, and location to record the video, reviewed the Letter of Consent – Release Agreement with the Participant(s), and obtained the person(s)’s signature on the Agreement, if applicable.Here are a few suggestions for a successful video recording experience. Please refer to the grading rubric for the video of the project in Research Project: Part 3 – Submit Video.
Review the information, notes, etc. you have gathered from your research on your selected topic.Having information and knowledge about your selected topic beforehand helps you to remain focused on your research questions during the video recording, anticipate possible follow-up questions, and prepare you to collect information related to your questions.
Write your three (3) questions on a notepad and rehearse asking your questions the day before the scheduled video recording.Are your questions stated clearly? Anticipate the Participant(s) asking you to repeat the questions or to clarify and elaborate what you’re asking.
Arrive at least one (1) hour before the scheduled time for the video recording.Use the time to set up the location or room, check the lighting, and ambient sounds. Test the recording, pause, resume, save, etc., operating procedures on the video recording equipment.
Do a “dress rehearsal” before doing the actual video recording.Review the questions with the Participant. Describe the procedure for the video recording – e.g., when the video recorder begins recording, paused, etc. Try to make the Participant comfortable and at ease. Relax!
Ask the Participant for a “retake” or 2nd video recording, if needed.