Writing Assignments On logical Consistency

Consider your original position when you entered the class regarding flat earth hours, and the idea that things are relative. Consider also that we all hold believes that we have no evidence for. For example, faith, or lack of faith in God, aliens, monsters under the bed, the goodness of badness of certain people, etc. think through your responses throughout the semester, where you logically consistent with how you treat your own irrational beliefs, and the idea that we need facts in order to believe something. Was there something you learned in the course that made you think more about logically consistent? If you are working on consistency, explain one of the tools, you may have knowingly or or unknowingly use to help you in This endeavor. Your paper should include

1. Where you were consistent.
2. Where you were inconsistent

3. If you were to apply the tools you have learned in this course to w what should be done, which tools would you use, and why?

4.how you would work to find evidence or if you cannot find it, rid yourself or irrational beliefs?

5. What is it about our beliefs that make it difficult to be consistent?

6. Final observations about critical thinking for you in everyday life. Will it make a difference?

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