1. This project you will develop a poster for the muscular system. 2. Submit an electronic copy or image of your creation under Module 7 Assignment 3. You will complete the following.

a. You will have the Muscle systems divided into 3 sections: Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac. For the three types, you will choose an organ and tissue type in the body under each Category.

i. Cardiac: Heart: Myoffirdium ii. Smooth: Intestines: Epithelium iii. Skeletal: Biceps Brachii

b. INTRODUCTION: First part of the assignment, you will develop an introduction 5 to 7 sentences long introducing the three muscle types and major-functions.

c. DIAGRAM: You will design a diagram. You may use a 3D printer, poster or online format. You will provide a diagram of the three muscle types, your chosen organ and tissues. You will label the major parts, the names as well as the functions.

d. FUN FACTS: Complete the assignment by including five fads about each muscle tissue type. Include five for each tissue type, a total of 15 face total. 4. After completing the assignment, upload your introduction, diagram, and fun face all on one document by midnight. 5.

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