For your initial post in this discussion, choose one of the five case studies from the PSY645 Fictional Sociocultural Case Studies Download PSY645 Fictional Sociocultural Case Studies document, and write a detailed description of your uncensored personal observation of the patient depicted. Include any personal thoughts and feelings you have about the client or the scenario that may be related to personal biases.
Describe at least one theoretical orientation you would use to conceptualize your view of the patient’s problem and how it may have developed (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, biological, sociocultural, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, integrative, etc.).
NOTE: Be clear that you are writing about theoretical orientations and using the theoretical orientations to explain the client’s symptoms and presenting problems.
Do not use the theoretical orientations to discuss any therapy or treatment approaches. Your application of the theoretical orientations should answer the question: How did this client develop the symptoms and current presenting problems? For example,
“Based on the cognitive perspective, how did this client develop the symptoms and current presenting problem?” “Based on the humanistic perspective, how did this client develop the symptoms and current presenting problem?” Etc.
Next, identify the issues you might focus on in treatment with this patient. Be sure to identify within your post which of the five case studies you have chosen.