Write a report for the board (or for a relevant board director, business unit head or other executive) proposing a sustainable innovation for your organisation (or another organisation of your choice).

The report should have two main parts:

Part 1: A review of the strategic context for the innovation (about 40% of report length; 40% of marks), describing how sustainability is (or might be) included within the business strategy. This may draw on tools from the module such as business purpose, the SDGs, a materiality matrix, and any relevant goals/metrics.

Part 2: Your proposed innovation (about 60% of report length; 60% of marks). It may be of any type (e.g. product, service, business process, business model).

Describe your proposed innovation and how it would create social, environmental, and/or economic value.

Discuss implementation considerations: for example, you may wish to discuss whether collaborators are needed to generate the innovation, and the involvement of customers and/or other stakeholders. A full business plan is not required; rather, your report should focus on the rationale and seek approval in order to proceed to full plan development.

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