1) Choose a topic and ask research questions. Informed by class discussions, define a topic that is limited enough to allow you to focus on in a term paper but open enough to allow you to engage with the larger issues of culture, gender, and capitalism.

2) Conduct a mini-research. Read/listen/watch and take notes on a modest amount of visual, audio and/or textual content such as advertisements, tv shows, a movie, postcards, zines, etc. In your paper, clearly describe your data and explain why you picked it. Analyze your data in the light of your research questions using one or more of the methods we practiced in class.

3) Analyze. What does your examination of your data tell about your research questions?
Consider how the phenomenon you analyze is shaped by the intersection of gender,
sexuality, race/ethnicity, and class inequalities. Reflect on the significance and relevance of your findings.

Paper Checklist:
-Title and subtitles
-An introduction containing your research topic and questions
-A description of your data
-References to at least 3 course sources
-A conclusion reflecting on significance of your findings
-A references page with coherently formatted citations (choose a style like MLA, ASA, etc)

Clearly defines a research topic, articulates relevant research questions (5)
Closely describes thoughtfully selected original data (5)
Research topic, questions, data, and methods and concepts used to analyze fit well together (5)
Accurately and closely engages with three or more course readings (5)
Meaningfully and correctly applies course concepts and methods to analyze original data,
arguments substantiated by data analysis (10)
Reflects on the significance of findings in terms of intersectional inequalities (5)
Proofread, well-organized with a title, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and
references (5)

Topic: Fairytales

Question 1: How do little girls get affected by the fairytales in their future lives?

Question 2: Is there a difference between children who were told fairytales when they were younger and children who just went straight to bed?

Choose one question from the top or create a question about fairytales compared to the culture that is now!

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