
A workshop will be given over to preparing for your assignment.

The assignment is a 2000 word Consultancy Report.

This aim of this assessment is:

o To generally develop key study skills

o To explore organisational practices

o To develop an understanding of issues of access to organisations for research


o To link organisational practice with academic theory

o To develop skills of literature searching

o To develop academic and business writing skills

o To introduce and develop skills of critical literature reviewing

Consultancy Report (2000 words)

Acting as a consultant you will produce a report offering information and advice on a Human Resource Management/Organisational Behaviour issue. The issue may be one that relates to a problem in an organisation in which you work or have worked. Or it may address a particular subject area in which you have an interest.

The report will take the form of a literature review which uses three journal articles as the basis for your advice and recommendations.

Each student will have to agree the subject and scope of the report with the tutor. Some seminar time will be used to help you progress your assignment.

Criteria for assessment

Introduction                                                                                  (15) Intelligent discussion and analysis of articles                               (50) Recommendations                                                                        (15) Extent and quality of referencing                                                 (10) Written style: spelling, grammar, structure, presentation               (10)


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