Write a code in UNIX

Include screenshots for the results of all commands. Upload a word document.

1. Run a command that will display all services that are running.

2. Run a command that will display all services that have an “Active” status of “Failed”.

3. Which files does the TCP wrapper use to determine access.

4. What command do you use to establish a secure connection to a remote server?

5. What command would you use to change the default file permissions for files that you create to rw–w-r– Cr w dash dash w dash r dash dash).

6. Create a command that will: a. Display the top 20 processes by memory usage b. Sort by memory usage c. OnlySIdisplay the PID, Memory Used, and command

7. “Join” the output from #6 to the etc/passwd file. Return the output from 46 along with the UID, and the Home Directory.

8. Create a nicely formatted report using the output from #7. ( using linux commands)

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