Safety Program Management

  1. Objectives:
    1. Be the Safety Manager for GlobeTek, Inc.
    2. Train and educate your new employees.
    3. To allow you to gain a better understanding of the nature of the Safety Manager’s role.
  2. Procedures:
    1. This assignment is to be done by you only.
    2. Imagine yourself as a new Safety Manager for GlobeTek, Inc.  You are responsible for new hire safety training now.  The goal of the project is to develop a training that you will review with your new hire employees.  This week you have 15 new hires.  What will your training look like?  Remember, you are responsible for safety at your plant; you must make sure they are trained appropriately!
    3. You will be graded on the following components of your training:


  1. What is GlobeTek? How many employees?  What do you make? Build? Sell?  What is your safety record?
  2. New Employee Training (Power point training).  This should be the training program that you will use moving forward within GlobeTek for new employees and refresher training.
  3. Pick from the following topics:
    1. Confined Space Training
    2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    3. Fire Extinguisher & Emergency Evacuation
    4. Lockout / Tagout
    5. Hot Work Permit Training
    6. Machine Guarding
    7. Electrical Safety
    8. Respiratory Protection
    9. Fall Protection

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