
“A recent trend in conservation governance is a shift away from the emphasis on state-driven protected areas to increasing recognition of the potential roles of Indigenous and/or Community Conserved Areas (and similar models of Indigenous Protected Areas/Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas). Should Indigenous and/or community-led governance approaches continue to play an even greater role in global conservation in the years ahead? Why? Why not?”

Arguing that they should

Must be strong and tie in essay arguments and supporting examples.

1. Topic Idea: These types of governances approaches (community-led) leads conservation from the ground up with people that are directly affected and influenced and can influence the land.

2. Topic Idea: The Indigenous approach take a holistic approach while treating the land with respect and look at the consequences of their actions? altering the perspective we have of conservation and our relationship with nature.


Attached you will find essay prompt and guidelines – marked Essay_2

You will also find helpful references to put in the essay.

IUCN_PA page #39 (page 58) will provide information on Governance by indigenous peoples and local communities

Other references provide examples of Indigenous governance.

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