N3612 Themes SNSI (N=200)
This open-ended question was included after the SNSI:
“What are some other stressful issues or situations related to being a nursing student in the year 2022 – stressors that were not listed in this survey? This survey was created in 1999. list any other stressors that could be added to the survey.”
All answers to this question were read and themes were identified in the data. Created themes based on the types of stressors submitted by the students.
Most common stressor
Not included in SNSI Inflation
Current job
Future RN job, internship/externship
Teaching-Learning Methods
Not included in SNSI Too much independent/online/hybrid
Lack of hands-on clinical, too much simulation
Lack of equipment in lab
Unorganized classes, lack of feedback
Too much clinical paperwork
Clinical experiences unorganized
Technology issues/too much screen time
Self-Care Deficits
Not included in SNSI Lack of exercise
Poor, unhealthy eating/food
Lack of sleep
No personal/social time
School Workload
Included in SNSI Due dates/assignments/exams
Clinical hours
Busy work
Feeling Unprepared
Not included in SNSI Impostor Phenomenon
Fear of NCLEX
Burnt out
Issues related to Faculty/Clinical Preceptor
Included in SNSI Expectations/expect to be perfect
Communication, lack of clarity
Relationship with faculty/clinical staff
Unprofessional/bully behaviors in clinical
Family Issues
Included partially in SNSI No time with family/friends
Cost of living strain on family
COVID19 pandemic
Not included in SNSI
Exposure to COVID19
Strain on healthcare, resources
Emerging World Issues
Not included in SNSI
Laws, politics, social unrest
Human rights (women, LGBTQ)
Nurses fired/punished/arrested
SNSI SNSI still relevant for today’s nursing student.