China Model is the topic of this articles and we need to do a critical review for all of them need a key words, research questions, main arguments, and the answer/results for the research question in each articles
How to justify the local system What international politics have implications Chinese model Chinese system characteristic meaning

Only read these parts:
*Suisheng Zhao. 2011. “The China Model of Development: Can it Replace the Western
Model of Modernization?” In Search of China’s Development Model, Ch.3 (pp.45-63)
*Demin Duan. 2019. “On Authoritarian Political Representation in Contemporary China.” Politics
and Governance. Vol 7(3) (pp.199-207)
*Deniel Bell. 2015. “On the Selection of Good Leaders in a Political Meritocracy.” The China
Model. Ch.2 (pp.63-109)
Stenslie and Gang. 2016. “Xi Jinping’s Grand Strategy.” China in the Era of Xi Jinping. Ch.5

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