Write a 4-5 page proposal that addresses a problem related to food insecurity. This problem must be serious and widespread enough to warrant people spending time and money to fix it. Next, you will need to advocate for a solution to that problem and prove that your solution will work. Your essay must include evidence from the assigned sources; outside research is not required or necessary to fulfill the requirements of this assignment.

Your essay should include the following items:

an introduction with a strong claim
a description of the problem with enough analysis to prove the severity of the problem. an explanation of how you are attempting to solve the problem with evidence that your solution addresses the problem a discussion of the costs associated with fixing the problem, be it financial costs or time Acknowledgment of other possible solutions (but why yours is a better solution)
a conclusion a works cited page, in proper MLA format, as well as in-text citations throughout your paper

Your proposal will outline the problem that you are addressing. Your solution should be feasible.

Proposal Contents:

The following points need to be proven early in your paper:
Subject and purpose–the subject is what you are writing about and the purpose is why you are writing.

Statement of the problem– Be sure to explain exactly what the problem is that your document is designed to solve.

Background–if appropriate, address the sequence of events that has led to the current problem, highlighting the most important events, especially ones in the recent past. By doing this, you demonstrate your grasp of the situation.

Need–Your proposal must show that a strong need for resolution exists. You have to convince your readers that the problem must be solved.

Scope–Fairly acknowledge the scope of the problem as well as the scope of the solution. Having demonstrated a problem, you also want to let the reader know whether your solution will partly or completely solve the problem. The scope protects you, the proposal writer, and your readers against any misunderstanding about what to expect.


Advocate for a solution. State the methods, timetable, qualifications, costs, feasibility, and expected results in the body of your proposal.
Methods–Explain how your planned solution will be carried out.

Timetable–Give readers a sense of how long it will take to carry out your solution.

Costs–key point to be addressed in any proposals since funding can make or break the best solution. How feasible is your proposed solution? How realistic is it? You need to be honest with your audience as to potential drawbacks to your proposal.

Evaluation – Include a discussion of how the project may be evaluated. How can you establish that your solution will be successful?


Summarize and request action in the conclusion.

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