Purpose: To identify any challenges (barriers or obstacles) that may get in the way of you being successful in college
Outline: The following outline is to be used as a guide. Do not use the headings “Paragraph 1,” Paragraph 2,” etc. Rather, write this paper as a four-paragraph essay, with an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The paper should flow with transitions and transition words.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Include the purpose of paper, (but do not write “the purpose of the paper is…).
Identify one opportunity for improvement. (or more if you need to discuss more challenges to reach the minimum)
Paragraph 2: What is the challenge?
Further explain the challenge if necessary.
Analyze and explain why this challenge is significant.
How do you know this is a challenge?
How might this be a problem for your academic or career success?
Paragraph 3: What is the strategy or strategies to address and/or overcome the challenge?
Identify strategies to overcome this challenge.
How can you overcome this challenge and move to being successful?
What resources do you need?
What are some resources at the college that can help you with the challenges?
Who can help you with this strategy?
What can you move beyond this challenge?
You must identify at least one on-campus resource that can assist you.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Briefly, summarize your challenge and your strategy (one sentence).
Be sure to discuss whether you have optimism or pessimism about overcoming this challenge (a few sentences).