Watch this play and write a response to it while adhering to the guidelines below.
Play: Peter and the starcatcher
You can watch on this link:
Sample Critique Guidelines
- Background Information on the Play
- Title
- Playwright
- When you saw it
- Where you saw it
- Director’s name and Designers, if available
- Background on the play, if available
- The Actual Production You Saw:
- Describe the play’s central conflict, or the plot
- Identify the main character(s) and the actors who played them
- Discuss the performance of 2 actors. What was effective or ineffective?
- Describe at least one design element and its support or detraction of the storytelling.
- If the play is a musical, describe the music and how it affected the play.
- Discuss the reaction of other audience members. Were they involved? Did they lose interest?
Did they laugh, gasp, or react emotionally to anything or stage?
- Was the story clearly told? Could you see, hear, and understand all of the words and actions?
III. Would you recommend this play to others? Why or Why not?
- Did you receive a message from the event?
- What was your overall impression of the success of this event? Did it achieve what it set out to do?
- Feel free to include any other info that might help another student decide whether or not to attend this event .
- Mechanics and Writing
- 2 pages minimum
- Play titles should be underlined, bolded, OR italicized. Plays are complete works.
- Does your response provide a clear picture of your experience with the play?
- Do you support your views with examples from the production?
- Do you use the language and vocabulary of theatre?