This is the week13 Math80 assignment Name_

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.1a – Create a Scatterplot in StatCrunch

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.1b – Create a Scatterplot in StatCrunch

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.1c – Determine Strongest Linear Correlation

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.1d – Predict the Linear correlation coefficient

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.2a – Find the Linear Regression Line – Ti84

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.2b – Find Linear Regression line – StatCrunch

Watch Week13 YouTube video-Ch10.2c – Find Linear Regression line – StatCrunch

Part(a) What is the regression equation?

Part(b) What is the best predicted weight of a bear with a chest size of 39 inches?

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