Explain a range of decision-making processes that can be applied to ensure that effective outcomes are achieved.
• examples of how different perspectives might result in certain decisions, for example utilitarianism, de-ontology, the impact of religious and personal beliefs on workplace decision-making.
• Different approaches to dealing with capability and performance issues based on ethical values, compassionate and punitive responses to work issues

Assess a range of different ethical theories and perspectives and explain how understanding of these can be used to inform and influence moral decision-making.
• Ethical perspectives: theories of ethics for example utilitarianism, deontology/ Kantianism, communitarianism, altruism;
• ethical values, for example democracy, fairness, honesty, equality;
• ethics and religion; ethics and business; examples of ethical dilemmas and outcomes.

Appraise different ways and approaches organizations can take to measure financial and non-financial performance.
• Measurements of financial and non- financial performance:
• for example revenue, gross and net profit, cash flow, return on investment, productivity, key performance indicators, service level agreements, balanced scorecard or similar performance management tools; stakeholder benefits and feedback, customer satisfaction, legal compliance, compliance with environmental standards, sector ratings.

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