You are to create a Social Media Marketing Plan for a fictitious company. Below is a list of what is to be included in your project. You are to provide me with a written plan done in Word. You are also required to prepare a presentation of your plan in PowerPoint. This project is in place of your final exam.
For the paper, you must use Arial 12 font and the paper is to be single-spaced.
The social media plan and presentation should be inclusive of the following:
1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Overview (an overview of the client’s current social media presence, a competitive analysis, goals, strategies, target market, tools, implementation, monitoring, and budget)
5. Social Media Audit
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Target Market
8. Competitor Assessment
9. Goals, Objectives, and Metrics
10. Social Media Strategy and Platform Selection
11. Roles and Responsibilities
12. Content Strategy
13. Distribution Strategy
14. Employee Advocacy Program
15. Social Media Policy and Critical (Crisis) Response Plan
16. Influence Program
17. Advertising Strategy
18. Results
19. Recommendations