Legal and Ethical Responsibility Statement

Exam Content

As a new teacher, you will be expected to read your school district’s policy manual and understand how the policies apply to you and your teaching practice. Policy manuals provide reference and guidance to educators about specific decisions and actions related to their legal and ethical responsibilities within the school district.


For this assessment, you will review a school district’s policy manual and write a personal statement communicating your dedication to a legal and ethical environment within the school.


Assessment Deliverable
Using the school district policy manual you selected in Wk 1: School District Policy Manual Selection, research policies that clearly address the ethical and legal responsibilities of a teacher and meet the following criteria:

1 policy from the student section related to a teacher’s general ethical and legal responsibilities
1 policy from the personnel/staff section related to a teacher’s general ethical and legal responsibilities
1 policy from any section related to teacher technology, social media, and/or electronic devices
1 policy from any section related to intellectual property rights protection
1 policy from any section related to being culturally aware, supporting diversity, or fostering equity

As a new teacher in the school district, write a minimum 875-word personal statement to the school’s administrator explaining how you will synthesize important district policies into your code of ethics and teaching practice. Highlight policies that apply to the general ethical and legal responsibilities of a teacher, technology and social media use, the protection of intellectual property rights, and cultural awareness.

Include the following information in your personal statement to highlight your selected school district’s policies:

Do an APA proper title page
Introduce yourself and share your values, motivations, and aspirations as a teacher.
Identify and describe the policies you selected, including any state or federal laws that are referenced and how the law is applied in the policy.
Explain how you will synthesize the policies into your code of ethics and teaching practice (e.g., what does it look like in one’s teaching practice and what behaviors does it encourage).
Include a reference page in which you list the district policies and state or federal laws you cited and format it according to APA guidelines.

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