Curriculum Reflection Assignment Instructions


You have observed multiple examples of curriculum planning in your life. This assignment will allow you to reflect on the topic of curriculum planning and to consider the curriculum influences in your life. It is important for you to examine your position on these topics, in order to have awareness of your curriculum theory preferences and your curriculum decisions.



  1. Download the Curriculum Reflection Template.


  1. Complete the Curriculum Reflection Template. Review the template section descriptions below.


  • Importance of Planning
    • Discuss your views on the importance of planning for the curriculum change plan process. Select a Bible verse and articulate how it philosophically relates to curriculum planning and development. Describe why you think that planning is important for the curriculum change process. Explain how you are doing with your planning process for the curriculum change plan.


  • Curriculum Influences
    • Reflect upon curriculum examples of four of your teachers. Draw from your knowledge of specific teacher examples from your elementary school, middle school, high school, and college/university levels. (If you have negative teacher descriptions, please use pseudonyms or initials for the names.) Discuss how your curriculum planning views have been influenced by the examples of these four teachers.

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