What is Bioethics: Annotated bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography of three resources that address the central question of this module: What is Bioethics?

1.For each resource, provide a brief annotation -a short paragraph of 250 words split, approximately, between these two tasks: SUMMARIZING the content of each; EVALUATING the usefulness of each for understanding bioethics.

The three sources to use are:

1.Helland, D. E. (2001). What is bioethics? Teaching bioethics, 11. https://uni.hi.is/vilhjarn/files/2015/02/Teaching.Bioeth.pdf#page=11

2.Drane, J. F. (2001). What is bioethics? A history. Interfaces between bioethics and the empirical social sciences, 15. https://biblioteca.multiversidadreal.com/BB/Biblio/Fernando%20Lolas%20Stepke/Interfaces%20between%20bioethics%20and%20th%20%281157%29/Interfaces%20between%20bioethics%20an%20-%20Fernando%20Lolas%20Stepke.pdf#page=13

3.Now, C. (2019). New head of bioethics center says new technology raises moral questions https://angelusnews.com/news/life-family/new-head-of-bioethics-center-says-new-technology-raises-moral-questions/?highlight=What%20is%20Bioethics%3F

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