Introduction To Economics: Unit Activity
Note to writer: Please answer all the questions in the format provided.

Question 1
To begin your comparison, read this short article comparing the US and UK health care systems. Use the information from the article to complete the chart.

Criteria                             US System                            UK System
Doctors paid by
Led or run by
Positive aspect
Positive aspect
Negative aspect
Negative Aspect

Question 2
Now, fill the gaps in your knowledge of the US and UK health care systems. Think of something you would like to know about the two systems. Compose a research question about the topic, and then answer the questions below.
Part A
What is your first research question?

Part B
Now, search the Internet to find an answer to your research question. What is the answer to your research question?

Part C
On which website did you find the answer? Provide a link to the site.

Part D
Look carefully at the author of the website. What bias does the author or source have? Does this bias favor one system over the other? Why or why not?

Question 3
Now think of something else you would like to know about the two health care systems. Compose a new research question about the topic, and then answer the questions below. Was the source you found for the first research question US based or UK based? Try to find a source from the other country for the answer to your second research question.
Part A
What is your second research question?

Part B
What is the answer to your research question?

Part C
On which website did you find the answer? Provide a link to the site.

Part D
Look carefully at the author of the website. Is it possible the author or source has a bias favoring one system over the other? Why or why not?

Question 4
Now, shift your focus on the two health care systems to economic terms.
Part A
What resources are scarce?

Part B
In the UK system, who or what allocates these resources?

Part C
In the US system, who or what allocates these resources?

Part D
Classify the health care system in the UK. Is it market based or command based? Why?

Part E
Classify the health care system in the US. Is it market based or command based? Why?
Question 5
Compose an essay that argues which health care system is better in terms of economics. Analyze the reasons for your determination by covering these points:
• scarcity and allocation of resources
• incentives
• role of the government
• how prices are determined
• benefits and drawbacks for consumers in the UK and US
• benefits and drawbacks for producers in the UK and the US
Be sure to include specific reference to sources and a counterargument. Your essay should include an introduction, transitions, and a conclusion.

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