You should copy this entire form into your own document and answer all questions.
1a. Title of your study:
1b. Sociological Research Question:
1c. Write one paragraph description of your interview participant. Include their gender, race/ethnicity, job, age, and how you know them (leave out real names):
Do not exceed 300 words.
3a. Why have you chosen this topic? What about your life and identity draw you to this topic? (two paragraphs). Provide a story where you can.
3b. Find two outside sources that discuss your topic. One source should be research-based and the other can be popular (blog, internet, etc):
Research Source – title:
Enter the URL where this text can be found:
Summarize the argument of this source and how it connects to your research question (one paragraph):
Popular Source – title:
4a. Informed Consent: Paste your informed consent paragraph here:
4b. Put your interview guide here. The questions should be numbered (1,2,3..) and ordered appropriately, any follow-up questions should be added.
Enter the TOTAL LENGTH of the interview (example: 28:15):
Link to the interview file (use cloud-based storage and share the link here, share with if needed):
5b. QUOTE 1
TIME STAMP 1: Enter the minute and second in the interview file of your quote:
(example 03:14)
Type in a full paragraph statement that your participant said in the interview (4 lines minimum). You should type this exactly as you hear it (verbatim)
In your own words, why was this quote important for your study:
5c. QUOTE 2
TIME STAMP 2: Enter the minute and second in the interview file of your quote:
(example 10:21)
Type in a full paragraph statement that your participant said in the interview (4 lines minimum). You should type this exactly as you hear it (verbatim)
In your own words, why was this quote important for your study:
6a. Explain how your interview answered your research question:
6b. How do you connect the topics of your interview to social stratification and social mobility?
6c. What was your greatest strength and weakness as an interviewer and how can you address these?