Title of your study: Masked: A Latina’s Perspective on How Latino Culture Affects Mental Health Issues
Sociological Research Question: How do cultural factors interact with mental health issues affecting individuals from a Latino background?
Write one paragraph description of your interview participant. Include their gender, race/ethnicity, job, age, and how you know them
Do not exceed 250 words.
3a. Why have you chosen this topic? What about your life and social location draw you to this topic? (two paragraphs). Provide a story where you can.
3b. Find two outside sources that discuss your topic. One source should be research-based and the other can be popular (blog, internet, etc):
Research Source – title: Perceived and Personal Mental Health Stigma in Latino and African American College Students
Enter the URL where this text can be found:
Summarize the argument of this source and how it connects to your research question (one paragraph)
Popular Source – title: Latinas Face the Legacy and Stigma of Mental Health Issues Enter the URL where this text can be found:
Summarize the argument of this source and how it connects to your research question (one paragraph)
Informed Consent: Paste your informed consent paragraph here:Â
Put your interview guide here. The questions should be numbered (1,2,3..) and ordered appropriately, any follow-up questions should be added.
-How has American culture shaped your identity?
-Do you feel it has positively or negatively affected you? Why?
-How do you feel about these values? Why?
-How do they differ from typical American values?
-How are people with mental health issues treated by others in the community?
-Are there any people who are more understanding or less understanding of mental health?
-What impact did these experiences have on your own perceptions of mental health?
-How does it affect you physically and emotionally?
-What areas in your life have been most affected by mental illness?
-What do you do for work?
-Do you think there’s a difference in attitude towards men and women with mental illness?
-How do you communicate with your family about your mental health?
-What kind of communication is the most effective?
-Is this level of support satisfactory to you? Why?
-What would you like to see from your family concerning their support?
-Do you feel, overall, you can count on your family when you need them?
-What are some things they do that you appreciate?
-How does this make your situation unique?
-What impact does this have on your mental health?
-Do you think you’re treated different with mental health because of your race?
-Can you recall any situations that reflect this? Personally or from the media?
-Do you feel you are accurately represented?
-What suggestions do you have for the media or society to change the representation or portrayal of Latinas and mental health?
-What effect do you think better representation would have on Latinas and the Hispanic community as a whole?
-What obstacles do you see for moving forward in a positive direction? -On a community level, what could be done to encourage change?
-Do you believe the younger generation can drive the changes in the Hispanic community towards mental health?
Type in a full paragraph statement that your participant said in the interview (4 lines minimum). You should type this exactly as you hear it (verbatim)
In your own words, why was this quote important for your study
5b. QUOTE 2
TIME STAMP: Enter the minute and second in the interview file of your quote: (example 03:14) 11:17
Type in a full paragraph statement that your participant said in the interview (4 lines minimum). You should type this exactly as you hear it (verbatim)
In your own words, why was this quote important for your study
6a. What is something unexpected you learned about this person through your interview?
6b. How do you connect the topics of your interview to social stratification?
6c. What was your greatest strength and weakness as an interviewer?