Consider the healthcare experience you have so far. As you do, reflect on the following:

Adaptation of continuous learning routine in a rapidly changing field
Differential diagnosis
Knowledge and budding skills of competency in assessment
Patient education and inter-professional collaboration
Plan development
Use of appropriate evidence based resources for knowledge
This is the second of three reflection assignments. We ask you to respond to the same prompt in each activity—see below. It is expected that as you have new experiences and assimilate them, your reflections will show growth in at least some of the areas listed above.

Action Items

Read the overview and consider the items to reflect on.
At this particular time of the course, describe your experience of transitioning roles from RN to FNP and a student to a practitioner. What skills do you feel you are learning more about related to the list in the overview? Discuss one or more. What areas do you feel you need to learn more about? How do you plan to build your current knowledge and skills as you move toward the goal of being an expert practitioner? Give a specific example.
Compose your work in a Microsoft Word document.
Submit the completed first draft of your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
Re-submit the final version of your work by the due date.

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