Apply knowledge and theory related to the prevention, diagnosis, and management of select uncomplicated common acute and chronic health problems for individuals across the lifespan.
Develop differential diagnoses and plans of care based on evidence-based research and clinical practice guidelines.
In this portfolio assignment, you continue the work you have already started by creating a script for your educational video based on the research you have conducted.
Remember that your video should end up as a very basic explanation of the topic because of the limited health literacy of people in general. You have researched the best sources you could find. It is now up to you to create a script where you “translate” the findings to lay terms in an appealing and interesting way. A sixth-grade level of language is an appropriate target for your wording and explanations.
As you envision your video and prepare your script, understand that we are not asking you to become filmmakers. You do not have to learn many new skills to fulfill this assignment. However, there are simple things you can do to make your video interesting. Here is a list of some pointers:
Avoid just talking for 5-7 minutes with the camera on you the entire time. You may indeed speak for the entire time. Yet, plan cutaways where you bring in short text, still images, or other relevant and appropriate footage from time to time at least.
Write your script the way you speak. While this is an educational video for patients and others who come into your clinic, you must write in a conversational rather than robotic or stuffy tone. Use as many contractions as is natural. The degree of formality is somewhat of a personal choice. However, you should sound and appear natural and as if you are talking to the people watching the video.
Similarly, do not read your script! Just don’t do it. Learn your research and practice your script enough so that you can speak to your audience without reading anything. We put this pointer in this part of the assignment to give you plenty of notice and preparation time. Here is an example of what your final video could look like:
How To Use A Spacer With Inhaler | How To Use Spacer Device | How To Use Aerochamber With VentolinLinks to an external site.
Here is another video you could learn from (notice how he comes across relaxed and knowledgeable rather than technical and stiff):
Making Educational VideosLinks to an external site.
We will discuss some aspects of these examples in the final portion of the Portfolio Video assignment. However, notice that the people in these videos included more than just themselves talking. They cut to simple screens with appropriate amounts of text or images or added them to the side. Do you feel like either one was reading a script? They both knew their content well enough and were passionate about it to the point of being able to speak very naturally. Here are some other styles of video you may consider that would be appropriate for this project:
Educational Channel approachLinks to an external site.
(minus the sponsor ad at the end)
Narrated Demonstration approachLinks to an external site.
(Reading a script would be okay here because there is no one speaking directly to the camera. However, it is still better to know the information well enough to sound like you are speaking to the audience instead of reading to them.)
News approachLinks to an external site.
Gather your research into topics with a logical flow and sequence and form that research into a script. Use easy-to-understand language.
Plan for the use of appropriate text and images.
Your deliverable will be a Word or PowerPoint file where you break down the sections of your video showing the words you will speak and the onscreen text or images you will incorporate. If you use Word for your script, feel free to use the template provided. If you use PowerPoint, use the slides to show what will be on screen and the notes section for what you will say.