Write an essays in one document the first one topic is (Historians think of the period from about 1850 to 1914 as the “Age of Imperialism,” a time when nations across Europe and the United States were either expanding or consolidating both at home and through overseas empires. Exactly how did the global map change as a result of imperial endeavors during this time? Be sure to describe specific examples in Europe, Africa, India, and the United States. What motivated and allowed for imperial powers to expand? Be sure to include industrialization and nationalism in your discussion. How did nationalist sentiment also represent a threat to imperial powers throughout the mid-to-late 19th and early 20th centuries? )

The second is Analyze the factors that encouraged the rise of authoritarian political systems during the 1920s and 1930s. Describe and compare the governments that emerged in Italy, Germany, Japan, and the USSR. Explain the role each of these regimes played in plunging the globe into World War II.

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