As Henry Steele Commager reminds us in “Who is Loyal to America,” questions surrounding definitions of American loyalty and the acceptable boundaries around dissent have a long history in the United States.

We have seen this in many ways, concretely in Wilson’s Alien and Sedition Acts during World War I (dissent) and FDR’s Executive Order 9066 (loyalty). Although Commager’s article was written in 1947, one could argue that these issues reach far back into our history and persist to the present day. Using the material you’ve learned in Module 4 and this document, write in 400-500 words your response to the following question: Do you think that Commager’s claim that loyalty in 1947 really meant conformity was justified by the times in which it was written? In other words, was conformity/loyalty, as defined by Commager, necessary during the Cold War or was dissent/critique the real loyalty to the United States?
Be sure to use historical events of the era to support your position.

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