Standard 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement

Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student.

Self-Rating Element (7)
  1a:   Develop a Mission
  1b: Develop and promote a Vision
  1c:    Articulate Core Values
  1d:   Develop, implement, and articulate Actions
  1e:   Review the Mission and Vision
  1f:    Develop understanding of Mission, Vision, and Core Values
  1g:   Model Mission, Vision, and Core Values


r Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research for the development, articulation, implementation, stewardship, and promoting the mission and vision as it relates to academic success and well-being of each student. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible artifacts from EDL 5400, EDL 5200, EDL 5300, EDCI 5020, etc. (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses, such as EDL 5400, and prominent authors augmented your insight into the importance of developing and sustaining the mission and vision. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, explain how the mission vision is an ongoing, changing, and dynamic process. Provide further research to support this reflective analysis.


Standard 2: Ethics and Professional Norms

Effective educational leaders act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.


Self-Rating Element (6)
  2a:   Act Ethically and Professionally as a School Leader
  2b:   Execute Professional Norms
  2c:   Accept Academic Success of Students
  2d:   Safeguard Values of Democracy
  2e:   Understand all Backgrounds and Cultures of Students and Staff
  2f:    Provide Moral Direction

Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the four bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research related to leadership characteristics of integrity, fairness, equity, justice, and ethical behavior. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible Artifacts from EDL 5700 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how all EDL courses increased understanding for the need to become a caring, just, equitable, fair, and democratic leader. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, conclude with a reflective analysis of how this professional knowledge and growth has impacted your praxis.


Standard 3: Equity and Cultural Responsiveness

Effective educational leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (8)
  3a:   Ensure Fair Treatment of Students
  3b:   Recognize Assets of Students
  3c:   Ensure Equitable Access for Students
  3d:   Develop Student Policies
  3e:   Confront and Alter Institutional Biases
  3f: Promote and Prepare Students
  3g:   Act with Cultural Competence
  3h:   Address Matter of Equity and Cultural Responsiveness


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the four bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research related to understanding of, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible artifacts from EDL 5200, EDL 5400 and EDL 5800 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses, such as EDL 5200, EDL 5400, and EDL 5800, increased awareness of the responsibility to become actively involved in making difficult decisions within complex situations, while implementing policy and procedures. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, conclude with a reflective analysis of how this professional knowledge and growth impacted your praxis.


Standard 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Effective educational leaders develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (7)
  4a:   Implement Coherent Systems
  4b:   Align Systems across Grade Levels
  4c:   Promote Instructional Practice
  4d:   Ensure Instructional Practice with Students in Mind
  4e:   Promote effective use of Technology
  4f: Employ Valid Assessments
  4g:   Use Assessment Data Appropriately using Technology


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research for the school climate, school culture, student-centered curriculum, best practices, and professional growth. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible artifacts from EDCI 5020, EDIC 5030, and EDUC 5031 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses, such as EDCI 5020 and EDCI 5030, and prominent authors increased understanding for developing a positive school culture, meaningful instruction, and best practices. (5-7 sentences)
  • Explain the rationale for disaggregating data to develop an effective research driven instructional program.
  • Finally, conclude with a reflective analysis of how this professional knowledge and growth has impacted your praxis.

Standard 5: Community of Care and Support for Student

Effective educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community

that promotes the academic success and well-being of each student.

Self-Rating Element (6)
  5a:   Build and Maintain a Safe, Caring, and Healthy Environment
  5b:   Create and Sustain an Environment for Students
  5c:   Provide Coherent Systems for Learning Needs of Students
  5d:   Promote all School Relationships
  5e:   Cultivate Student Engagement
  5f: Infuse Culture and Languages Reflective of School Community


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research for promoting the success of every student through engaging families, community, and school personnel. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible artifacts from EDL 5800 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses such as EDL 5800 promote the strengthening of student learning, supports school improvement, and advocates for the needs of the school and community. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, conclude with a reflective analysis of how this professional knowledge has impacted your capacity to engage families in strengthening student learning in and out of school and how to engage community members, partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of school improvement and student development.


Standard 6: Professional Capacity of School Personnel

Effective educational leaders develop the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (9)
  6a:   Hire Effective and Caring Teachers
  6b:   Plan for and Manage Staff Turnover and Succession
  6c:   Develop Professional Learning and Development
  6d:   Foster Continuous Improvement
  6e:   Deliver Actionable Feedback about Instruction
  6f: Empower and Motivate Teachers and Staff
  6g:   Develop Support from School Community
  6h:   Promote Personal and Professional Health of Staff
  6i: Protect Your Own Work-Life Balance


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research about the importance to recruit, hire, support, develop, and retain effective and caring teachers and other professional staff. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible artifacts from EDL 5200, EDL 5300, EDL 5400, EDL 5600 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses such as EDL 5600 and prominent authors augmented your insight to form teachers and staff at becoming educationally effective faculty. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, explain the importance of empowering and motivating teachers and staff to the highest levels of professional practice and to continuous learning and improvement.















Standard 7: Professional Community for Teachers and Staff

Effective educational leaders foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (8)
  7a:   Develop Workplace Conditions for Teachers and Staff
  7b:   Empower Teachers and Staff
  7c:   Establish a Professional Culture of Engagement and Commitment
  7d:   Promote Mutual Accountability among Teachers and Staff
  7e:   Develop and Support Trusting Working Relationships
  7f: Design and Implement Professional Learning Collaboratively
  7g:   Provide Opportunities for Collaborative Examinations
  7h:   Encourage Improvement of Programs and Practices


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research about developing workplace conditions for teachers and other professional staff that promote effective professional development, practice, and student learning. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Possible artifacts from EDL 5800 and EDL 5600 (but not limited to)
  • Finally, present a reflective analysis on how important it is to design and implement job-embedded and other opportunities for collaborative professional learning with faculty and staff.

Standard 8: Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community

Effective educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (10)
  8a:   Engage Families and Members of the Community
  8b:   Create and Sustain Relationships with Families and Community
  8c:   Engage in Two-way Communication with Families and Community
  8d: Maintain a Presence in the Community
  8e:   Create Means for Community Partnerships
  8f: Use of Community Resources
  8g:   Develop and Provide the School as a Resource
  8h:   Advocate for the School and District
  8i: Advocate publicly
  8j: Build and Sustain Productive Partnerships


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the four bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research for school and community relations. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Artifacts from EDL 5800 and EDL 6200
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses such EDL 5800 and EDL 6200 promote success of students through collaborating with and responding to families and community. (3-5 sentences)
  • Finally, conclude with a reflective analysis of how this professional knowledge and growth has impacted your praxis.


Standard 9: Operations and Management

Effective educational leaders manage school operations and resources to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (12)
  9a:   Monitor Operations and Systems
  9b:   Manage Staff Resources
  9c:   Manage Fiscal, Physical, and Other Resources
  9d:   Accountable Steward of School Resources
  9e:   Protect the Work and Learning of Teachers and Staff
  9f: Employ Technology to Improve Operations and Management
  9g:   Develop and Maintain Data and Communications Systems
  9h:   Help School Community Understand Local, State, and Federal Laws
  9i: Develop and Manage Relationships with Feeder Schools
  9j: Develop and Manage Relationships with Central Office and Board
  9k: Administer Systems for Fair and Equitable Management
  9l: Manage Governance Processes and Internal/External Politics


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research for the school organization, management of resources, and the need to provide a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Artifacts from EDL 5500, EDL 5300 and EDL 6200 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses, such as EDL 5500, EDL 5300 and EDL 6200, and prominent authors increased understanding for providing an organizational structure that facilitates a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, conclude with a reflective analysis of how this professional knowledge and growth has impacted your praxis.



Standard 10: School Improvement

Effective educational leaders act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Self-Rating Element (10)
  10a:   Seek and Make School More Effective
  10b:   Use Methods of Continuous Improvement
  10c:   Prepare the School and Community for Improvement
  10d:   Engage Others in an On-going Process
  10e:   Employ Situationally-Appropriate Strategies for Improvement
  10f: Assess and Develop Educational Trends
  10g:   Develop Systems of Data Collection connected to Partners
  10h:   Adopt a Systems Perspective
  10i: Manage Uncertainty, Risk, Initiatives, and Politics
  10j: Develop and Promote Leadership about Improvement


Reflection Format: This reflection should contain the items listed in the bullets below.

  • List authors and summarize relevant research about the best practice methods of continuous improvement to achieve the vision, fulfill the mission, and promote the core values of the school. (3-5 sentences for each author)
  • Present a practical application scenario.
  • Artifacts from EDL 5300, EDCI 5020 and EDUC 5850 (but not limited to)
  • Present a reflective analysis of how courses, such as EDL 5300 and prominent authors augmented your insight into the importance of developing technically appropriate systems of data collection, management, analysis, and use for continuous school and classroom improvement. (5-7 sentences)
  • Finally, explain how to develop and promote leadership among teachers and staff for inquiry, experimentation, and innovation and for initiating and implementing improvement.

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