Prior to completing this assignment, be sure you have read this week’s texts:

After writing academically for an entire educational career, it can be difficult to “switch codes” into a business style. Business writing, generally, is much briefer and more direct because it is less about conveying theoretical ideas about humanity or abstract ideology and more about getting something done quickly. A business pitch, in particular, has a highly specific purpose: to get support from an investor.

Assume the role of a person who is either representing an organization or as an entrepreneur trying to garner business. Your task is simple: pitch your services to a company in hopes of a contract or an investment.

Some considerations in this assignment:

– Read the Writing a Professional Letter (Links to an external site.) resource to help with your formatting for a formal task such as this.
– Revisit the Pitch Letter resource from Indeed (link at top of page) in order to remember all of the components of a successful pitch.
– Be brief (somewhere in the 150-200 word range), but give all of the relevant information. This should include:
1) A salutation
2) Introduction paragraph
3) Methodology paragraph
4) Bio paragraph
5) Contact (feel free to fabricate)
6) A closing

Your role can be one of the following:

A) You are an entrepreneur (choose your own company name and purpose).  Your job is to ask for investment capital from an angel investor. How can you persuade them to give you a meeting?

B) You run a haul-away business, taking large objects people want to discard to the dump for them. Recently, an apartment complex on your way to the office has been placing an excessive amount of large objects in the alley and making the neighborhood look bad. You want to get a contract with the apartment super, so you decide to send a letter pitching your services.

C) Note that, if you don’t like these particular roles, YOU CAN DEVISE YOUR OWN. Think of your own company, your own solution, your own expertise.

“Back story” to flesh out before beginning:
– What is your company? (Name, service/product)
– Who are you pitching to? (Person, company)
– What is the problem you’re pitching to fix? (Think about the industry)
– How can you realistically do so? (Moderate understanding of industry)

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