The Damage of Queerbaiting

You should approach this paper by providing a beginning, middle, and end about the chosen source.
Begin by introducing the source. Provide relevant background information on the topic,information on the author, and relevance or appeal to the intended audience. Include your argument, which gives an overall assessment of the source.
Summarize the source in a couple of paragraphs. Remain objective. Just report the main points and sub points.
Assess the source. Tell how the source is effective or not. Did it achieve its purpose? Was it accurate? Logically sound? Was the information significant and relevant? Include the strengths and weaknesses and agreement and disagreement sections. Determine if the source will be useful to your final paper/argument. The assessment/evaluation is the main purpose of this paper and should be the longest section.
Conclude by summing up all areas and ending with the overall assessment of the source’s effectiveness (restatement of argument).

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