Have you ever written a paper and copied ideas without giving credit to the original writer? Watch the video and reflect on the importance of understanding what plagiarism is. Feel free to provide suggestions to avoid plagiarism.

Read and reply to at least two of your peers’ posts. To reinforce the use of MLA and APA, you will do the following: Using the FNU database and watching the video, compose a paper (two paragraphs) defining plagiarism and ways to avoid it.

You will use either APA 7th edition or MLA 9th edition to write your paper.

If you use APA, you must have the title page, body, and references. If you write your paper using MLA, remember that it does not have a title page and in instead of references you will have the work or works cited.

Using any of the two styles, you must use Times New Roman 12. You must upload your answer to the discussion question in a word document.

Use all the information provided in week # 3 to complete the discussion question. Avoiding Plagiarism


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