Please watch the video FANTASY from Season 5
Links to an external site. Take notes on two of the artists discussed in the episode (or in different episodes if you watch more than one and want to write about artists in different episodes). Things to consider: How do they speak about their work? Are there any key vocabulary words that they use to articulate their art? What kinds of issues or ideas concern them? What kinds of materials or processes do they use? How do they understand the purpose or function of their art?
Based on what you watched, and your final chapter of the textbook for this class (which discusses global contemporary art) write a short essay of 750-1,000 words (3-4 pages double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins) in which you do the following:
1- Write an introductory paragraph in which you introduce the two artists you will discuss and state your argument. Many of the Art21 episodes have thematic titles and you can use those themes in your argument or you can develop your own. In either case, it should be clear in your intro. paragraph 1) which two artists you will discuss, and 2) what specific topic or theme you will use to develop your paper about these artists.
2 – Using at least 2 specific citations from the Art21 episode and/or your textbook, write a short analysis of artist 1. Based on what you watched and observed in your chosen Art21 episode, discuss the first of the two artists you chose to discuss. Some things to consider: How do they speak about their work? Are there any key vocabulary words that they use to articulate their art? What kinds of issues or ideas concern them? What kinds of materials or processes do they use? How do they understand the purpose or function of their art?
3 – Using at least 2 specific citations from the Art21 episode and/or your textbook, write a short analysis of artist 2. Based on what you watched and observed in your chosen Art21 episode, discuss the second of the two artists you chose to discuss. Some things to consider: How do they speak about their work? Are there any key vocabulary words that they use to articulate their art? What kinds of issues or ideas concern them? What kinds of materials or processes do they use? How do they understand the purpose or function of their art?
4 – Write a short conclusion that wraps up your discussion of these artists and their work. Your conclusion should be concise and offer one or two closing reflections to the artists and ideas you explored in your essay.