Paper details:
Describe everything in short or medium sentences, and must be concise and clear. You only need to tell what’s the paper about and what they found and how many specimens they tested and what was the range of the materials properties(for example 25 specimens were tested under compression and their material properties were elastic modulus, E =15000 mpa to 25000, and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0 -0.3 and shear modulus = 1000-7000 mpa).
Also, should mention the range of the geometric properties and the slenderness ratio. The literature review should be focused on local buckling failure of pultruded columns rectangular hollow sections (pultruded columns RHS). Other similar names (rectangular hollow sections, tube, or box sections ) of pultruded orthotropic materials. Involve some pictures to show the failure. You need to use many papers (more than 10 if it is possible)