Social problems, by definition, have social causes and, rather than individually, need to be addressed on a larger social level. Analyzing social problems help us as a society
understand the issue, identify a cause, pose solutions, and provide remedy where
needed. While combatting social issues, such as discrimination or environmental
degradation, may seem overwhelming, sociological analysis can assist in the process.


You will submit a three to four-page research paper focusing on a current social
problem of interest. Do not use any of the topics that we covered during the
class. You will find a list of possible topics at the bottom of this page. However, feel free to use your own.

i. Clearly define the problem.

ii. Discuss the different attitudes and views about the problem (as outlined in your research). Include a discussion on how one of the sociological approaches (i.e., functionalist, conflict, or symbolic interactionism) would view this issue. Be sure to include a discussion on any ethical concerns or moral dilemmas raised within the various views on your topic.

iii. Identify an approach to intervene in this problem taking care not to base your conclusion on your own experiences, emotions, or personal values.

Your intervention strategy must be based on and supported by the research you have done. You must use at least three sources, not including your text

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