Chapter 7 addresses the children’s speech and language through conversations. Also, the differences between speech, receptive and expressive language. Also, the teacher’s role in language development and to assess and provide intentional activities to help children with language development So, this week the chapters refer to the DRDP- Developmental Domain LLD1, LLD2, LLD3, LLD 4 & LLD 5 (pages# 13-17) Review the LLD Domains and descriptors and examples indicated on the DRDP.
LLD 1: Understanding of Language (Receptive)
LLD 2: Responsiveness to Language
LLD 3: Communication and Use of Language (Expressive
LLD 4: Reciprocal Communication and Conversation
LLD 5: Interest in Literacy
Part 1- The assignment is to watch the MindTap video and one of the videos from the Resource page
Part 2- Reflection: Discuss the following with classmates:
Imagine yourself in a teacher role: