For this assignment, write a paper addressing the following topic. Your paper should be 250 to 750 words in length (2 – 3 pages) (longer is acceptable)
Be certain to document your resources and include a bibliography.
Topic for Assignment #9: Agricultural: Lifestyle or Business
How is agriculture important in your life? (Texas,USA)
List at least 5 important ways agriculture impacts our lives every day.
Is “agriculture” the only industry that can meet these impacts?
For the remainder of this assignment, consider the title question, “Is agriculture a way of life or a business?”
Discuss what your view of the animal agricultural industry is?
What type of animal agriculture is your answer based on?
It has been said that most individuals involved in “production agriculture” are more likely to be lifestyle seekers than professional business people. What is your opinion?
In agricultural policy debates, farm advocates have often used the “way of life” argument to support their claim that production agriculture needs to receive subsidies. What is your opinion?
If production agriculture needs subsidies to survive, why do farmers stay in agriculture?
Would the agricultural industry “improve” if it were not regarded as a business?