Final Project
Human Resources
Now that you have completed tasks an HR Manager would perform, you have the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned. You have been asked to write a summary of the key HR functions to provide to all employees at your company. Please follow the instructions below to complete this assignment.
Areas that must be included
Write an essay that has an introduction and conclusion and includes the 9areas listed. In each section, explain the topic, and state why it is important to both the organization and the employee.
Be sure that you completely address each area. Include detail and explanations to ensure the employee understands each area. Incorporate key terms and concepts and provide at least 3 real-world examples from your own experience or research throughout the essay. These examples can be for any of the concept. This demonstrates to your instructor that you thoroughly understand the key terms and concepts.
This is an open-book assignment, so you are encouraged to use all of your available resources. You must include at least three resources (one of which should be your textbook). Remember, use your own words to explain the concepts. Do not simply repeat what you read in your lessons or other sources.
You must provide a minimum of 1 paragraph for each topic. You will be graded on content and format as identified in the Grading Matrix used for all writing assignments throughout the course. Organize your thoughts. Create an outline. Write a rough draft, and then edit your rough draft into your Final Project.