“The forces that interact to produce sexual behavior can be lumped into three broad categories: psychological variables, cultural and societal factors, and biological and evolutionary influences” (Lehmiller, 2017).

Lehmiller, Justin J.. The Psychology of Human Sexuality, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Use the quote above as your topic, and write a well-organized essay, answering these questions:
• What truth or lesson is being communicated by this quote?
• Why is this truth or lesson so important?
How do your, or other’s, experiences and observations relate to and support this truth or lesson?
• In what ways does this lesson make logical sense to you?
• In what ways does this lesson make emotional sense to you?
• How might this lesson be relevant to your, or others’, life and career?
• Why do some fail to live as if this truth or lesson were important?
• Why might some suggest this truth or lesson is not important?
• How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important?
• What can we do (at an individual, community, or society) to make this truth or lesson better recognized or practiced?

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