
Watch the short video titled Watch: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset located in the assigned Module under the Learn section.


    Based on the Watch: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset video, briefly describe the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. (Note: you do not have to read the articles cited above, which are for reference only.)

  • Choose one of the five statements from the list above that you believe most pertains to you and describe why it is an example of a fixed mindset.
  • Write about how you could change this belief/statement to reflect a growth mindset related to taking this statistics class.
  • The Bible addresses anxiety and growth in many places, and some Biblical figures struggle with anxiety or demonstrate growth in different ways. Choose a verse, a shortpassage, or a character that deals with anxiety or growth (or both!) and discuss how your choice can encourage a growth mindset for you during the class. Avoid long quotations.

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