Many myths contribute to the idea that only a select few can be diversity-conscious leaders. These are some of the most common:

• Myth One: Diversity-conscious leaders are naturally “people persons.”
Reality: There is nothing natural about the ability to relate to others effectively.
As with any skill, people develop and improve their competencies in this area.

• Myth Two: Diversity-conscious leadership is an extremely rare ability.
Reality: Everyone has the potential to be a diversity-conscious leader.

• Myth Three: Diversity-conscious leaders are intellectually brilliant.
Reality: Brilliance is not a precondition for diversity consciousness. Any number
of brilliant leaders find it difficult to relate effectively to people from diverse back-grounds. Furthermore, people with “average” capabilities can be exceptional leaders.

• Myth Four: Diversity-conscious leaders are charismatic extroverts.
Reality: Some are but many are not. Diversity-conscious leaders do not fit one
mold; rather, they display a wide assortment of personalities, behaviors, and com-munication styles.

• Myth Five: A diversity-conscious leader must be able to persuade and control peo-ple in spite of their differences.
Reality: Diversity-conscious leadership is not so much the exercise of power as the
empowerment of others

Review the 5 myths of a diversity-conscious leader.

1.Have you ever believed any of these myths to be true? Explain.

2.Does your cultural background influence your view about the effectiveness of leaders who show a great deal of interpersonal sensitivity? Explain.

3.What is one important life experience that has helped you improve your leadership abilities?

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