1. Match the literary term in the left column with the definition in the right column.  


assonance _____ A. repetition of vowel sounds


description  _____ B. the main idea or message of a literary work


conflict  _____ C. a work concerned with gallant love and chivalry


irony  _____ D. emphasis by saying less than is actually true


protagonist  _____ E. struggle between opposing forces


theme  _____ F. repetition of consonant sounds


romance  _____ G. downfall or death of a main good character


understatement  _____ H. contrast between expectation and reality


alliteration  _____ I. the main character in a literary work


tragedy  _____ J. writing that appeals to the senses



  1.  Give a brief DEFINITION (not an example) of each of these literary terms.



  1. tragic hero ___________________________________________________________.



  1. symbol ______________________________________________________________.



  1. surprise ending _______________________________________________________.



  1. biography ___________________________________________________________.



  1. eulogy ______________________________________________________________.



  1. onomatopoeia ________________________________________________________.



  1. climax ______________________________________________________________.



  1. personification ________________________________________________________.



  1. antagonist ___________________________________________________________.



  1. paradox _____________________________________________________________.



III. Match the literary term in the left column with the definition in the right column.  


analogy _____ A. author’s version of events that really happened


autobiography  _____ B. story of person’s life written by the same person


elegy  _____ C. poem or song about events of common people


ballad  _____ D. written conversation between characters


aside  _____ E. spoken to audience while ignoring other actors


characterization  _____ F. feeling or atmosphere created by the writer


dialogue  _____ G. methods used by writers to develop characters


drama  _____ H. literature acted out by actors.


mood  _____ I. lyric poem in tribute to a person who has died


history  _____ J. point by point comparison



  1.  Give an EXAMPLE of each of the following literary terms.



  1. comedy __________________________________________________________.



  1. science fiction ________________________________________________________.



  1. parable ______________________________________________________________.



  1. fable ________________________________________________________________.



  1. parody ______________________________________________________________.



  1. figurative language ____________________________________________________.



  1. fantasy ______________________________________________________________.



  1. epic ________________________________________________________________.



  1. dialect ______________________________________________________________.



  1. character ____________________________________________________________.



  1. Match the literary term in the left column with the definition in the right column.  


setting _____ A. imaginative works created from imagination


allusion  _____ B. an exaggeration for humorous effect


fiction  _____ C. words or phrases creating vivid sensory images


flashback  _____ D. person whose point of view the story is told


foreshadowing  _____ E. background in which the action takes place


hyperbole  _____ F. a comparison using “like” or “as”


imagery  _____ G. scene that occurs earlier in time than the present


metaphor  _____ H. hints or clues of something yet to occur


narrator  _____ I. a comparison not using “like” or “as”


simile  _____ J. reference to a historical or literary person


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