1-What single qualitative test from this module could be employed to distinguish between 1-butanol and 2-methyl-2-butanol? Which compound would come out positive and what would be the indication? What single qualitative test from this module could be employed to distinguish between t-butyl chloride and n-butyl chloride? State which compound would come out positive and what would be the indication.?

What single qualitative test from this module could be employed to distinguish between 1-hexene and hexane? State which compound would come out positive, and what would be the indication?

Explain why the chromic acid test for alcohols reacts with primary and secondary alcohols while it doesn’t react with tertiary alcohols.?Compare and contrast the outcomes from the Beilstein test when applied to an alkyl chloride vs. an alkyl iodide?

What types of compounds will “dissolve in” conc. H2SO4 because they become chemically altered? Which common functional group or groups do all these compounds share that allow them to “dissolve in” sulfuric acid?

What test would differentiate all alkyl halides from any other class of compounds? How is it performed, and what is the indication of a halide?Explain why the Lucas test for alcohols reacts fastest with tertiary alcohols rather than secondary and primary alcohols?

How many tests from this module need to be run before feeling certain of aromaticity in an unknown sample? Explain your reasoning by naming them and briefly describing how each works.?

Identify your unknown. In your explanation, indicate how the results from each test you performed points to the proposed compound. Also analyze your IR spectrum for the key peaks and what functional groups they indicate. If any results from different tests appear to conflict, explain the nature of the conflict and why you chose to exclude certain test results.?

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