1) Short-Term Memory and Working Memory

Click the following link to see how memory is processed:

Working memory is the information that you are focusing on at any given time. It is your mental “workbench” of the memory system. It is the interface where new information is held temporarily (short-term) and combined with knowledge from long-term memory to solve problems, comprehend a lecture, etc. Watch the following video via the link below and then provide your reflective comments as to why all of these are important for teaching and learning.

2) Knowledge of Long-Term Memory

There are three types of knowledge associated with Long-Term Memory. Information concerning each are listed below.

Declarative Knowledge: knowing the facts;π= 3.1416, National Colors = Red/White/Blue

Procedural Knowledge: Knowing how to do something. Knowledge that must be demonstrated.

Self-regulatory/Conditional knowledge: knowing how and when to use your declarative/procedural knowledge at the right place and time.

Now, watch the video via the link below and determine who has the declarative knowledge and who has the procedural knowledge. Please be detailed in your explanations.Long-term memory

3) Can you remember the names of all teachers you had throughout your time in school? If not, does this mean you wouldn’t recognize their names if presented by another? Can you remember everything you have been taught? You would if the information had been processed appropriately. The movie “Limitless” is a great example of being able to retrieve information stored in long-term memory. Information that is remembered for more than about 20 seconds is stored in long-term memory; however, it is difficult to retrieve unless it has been processed properly.

How can we adequately process information so it can be retrieved later? Three are listed below. Can you provide a definition and example for each?

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