Criticism of the study

Read carefully a journal article and write a critical review about it the link below is about how to review a journal article.

1. What is the Idea purpose of the article and how well is the purpose made clear in the introduction through background/context and argument?

2. What are the methods that have been used?

3. Where is the main result of the study?
4. What is the implication of the result as the author reported in the article?
5. As a reader and a critical analyst, you are going to tell which point that study achieved the purpose of the study and to which extent the author succeeded in achieving the objective of the study?
6. Is the result representing the goals and the objective of the study or not (you put yourself in the position of the peer reviewer of the article) and you are going to accept or reject this paper?
7. From your point of view, you are going to judge if the subject was important?
8. Is the researcher discussing an important issue to just only have limited implications has local context or has further implications globally wide?
9. Is the methodology the author uses the best method, explain why?
10. Does the sample represent the result, Explain why?

11. Determine 3 pros and 3 cons in the article and your recommendations to improve the paper?

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