Assessment 3 Integrated Planning Solution –Brief
Overview Prepare an Integrated Planning Solution that proposes changes to improve the efficiency and equity of transport to a selected locality in metropolitan Perth.
The plan should include macro- and micro- analysis and propose solutions that focus on the transport system (performance, services and infrastructure), land use and urban form relevant to transport, and behaviour change. The analysis and solutions should address all modes of travel and address the needs of a diverse range of people.
The plan should be presented in a report format and consist of the following components:
See Map
Problem Solution Actions Time Horizon Responsibility (be specific)
1 Section of road is hazardous to cyclists. (Problem)
Safe and efficient cycle access (Solution)
Time Horizon
2 The plan should be supported by reference to a wide range of academic and technical sources. Any additional material demonstrating analysis should be attached as an appendix to the main report.
The expected word count for the report is indicated in word counts and descriptions above.
You should draw upon the unit materials – lectures, workshop activities, guest lectures – to inform your research but draw on appropriate academic source material to define or explain key concepts. The report should draw on at least five relevant academic papers (see the Reading List for some key texts). Other resources – census data; policies and plans; transport analysis; secondary data – are encouraged provided they are used appropriately and referenced correctly.
Figures, images and tables can be used sparingly and only if they illustrate key points presented in the essay. Figures, images and tables should be presented in professional format (labelled, referenced and easy to read).
Use Calibri 11pt font for the main text. Use Chicago Style for referencing. See the Library web site:
The assessment should be uploaded to turnitin before the deadline. No hard copy submission is required.
Assessment criteria
The general assessment criteria and weighting are listed below. See the separate Rubric on Blackboard for levels of learning for each criteria:
Unit learning outcomes addressed