Output of DemoSalesperson
Salesperson 0 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 1 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 2 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 3 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 4 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 5 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 6 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 7 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 8 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Salesperson 9 has ID #9999 and annual sales of $.00
Output of DemoSalesperson2
Salesperson 0 has ID #111 and annual sales of $25,000.00
Salesperson 1 has ID #112 and annual sales of $30,000.00
Salesperson 2 has ID #113 and annual sales of $35,000.00
Salesperson 3 has ID #114 and annual sales of $40,000.00
Salesperson 4 has ID #115 and annual sales of $45,000.00
Salesperson 5 has ID #116 and annual sales of $50,000.00
Salesperson 6 has ID #117 and annual sales of $55,000.00
Salesperson 7 has ID #118 and annual sales of $60,000.00
Salesperson 8 has ID #119 and annual sales of $65,000.00
Salesperson 9 has ID #120 and annual sales of $70,000.00
application that demonstrates each method works correctly, and save it as
you created in Exercise 3a. This constructor receives parameters for each of
the data fields and assigns them appropriately. Add any needed statements
to the TestFitnessTracker application to ensure that the overloaded
constructor works correctly, save it, and then test it.